California Towhee Terrace: Backyard Tips For Shy Visitors

Step up your backyard birding game with these helpful tips for attracting shy California Towhees to your garden. Known for their timid and elusive nature, California Towhees can be a challenge to spot and observe. However, by creating a welcoming environment with the right feeders and feed, you can increase your chances of attracting these beautiful songbirds. From selecting the right bird feeder brands, like Perky-Pet and Audubon, to choosing high-quality bird seeds from Wild Delight and Wagner’s, you’ll be well-equipped to entice the shy visitors to your California Towhee Terrace. So grab your binoculars and get ready to experience the joy of observing these elusive birds right in your own backyard.

California Towhee Terrace: Backyard Tips For Shy Visitors

Table of Contents

Understanding California Towhee

The California Towhee (Melozone crissalis) is a bird species native to western North America. It is known for its distinctive appearance and unique behaviors. By understanding the physical characteristics, habitat and distribution, diet and feeding habits, as well as behavior and breeding patterns of California Towhees, you can create a welcoming environment for these beautiful birds in your backyard.

Physical Characteristics of California Towhees

California Towhees are medium-sized birds, measuring about 8-10 inches in length. They have a stocky build with a rounded body and a long, slightly curved bill. The plumage of California Towhees is predominantly dull brown, with a cinnamon undertone on their wings and tail. They have a white throat and a reddish-brown cap on their head. Both males and females have similar appearances, although males may have slightly brighter plumage during breeding season.

Habitat and Distribution of California Towhees

California Towhees are primarily found in the western parts of North America, particularly in California and Baja California, Mexico. They inhabit a variety of habitats, including chaparral, woodlands, scrublands, and gardens. They are also known to adapt well to urban environments. Their preferred habitats have dense vegetation, providing them with ample cover and protection.

Diet and Feeding Habits of California Towhees

California Towhees are primarily ground-foragers, meaning they search for food on the ground. They have a varied diet, consisting of seeds, berries, fruits, insects, and spiders. Towhees use their strong bills to crack open seeds and extract insect prey from vegetation. They are known to scratch and dig the ground, using their feet to uncover hidden food items. Providing a diverse array of food sources will attract California Towhees to your backyard.

Behavior and Breeding of California Towhees

California Towhees are generally solitary birds, although they may form small groups outside of the breeding season. They are known for their secretive nature, often staying hidden in dense vegetation. Towhees communicate with a distinct call that sounds like “tow-hee,” which they use to establish territories and communicate with other birds.

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Breeding season for California Towhees usually begins in late spring and early summer. Males engage in courtship displays to attract females, which may include singing, wing flicking, or hopping. Once a pair has formed, they build a cup-shaped nest on or near the ground, often in the dense shrubs or thickets. The female lays a clutch of 3-5 eggs, which she incubates for about two weeks. Both parents participate in feeding the chicks until they fledge, which typically occurs around two weeks after hatching.

Making Your Backyard Attractive for California Towhee

Creating a welcoming environment for California Towhees in your backyard involves providing suitable spaces, appropriate plants, safe shelters, and clean water sources.

Creating Towhee-friendly Spaces

California Towhees prefer habitats with dense vegetation, so consider planting shrubs, bushes, and trees that provide ample cover and hiding places. Ensure that there are different levels and layers of vegetation to mimic their natural habitat.

Native Plant Suggestions for Towhee Attraction

To attract California Towhees, consider planting native vegetation. Native plants provide a natural food source for birds and support the local ecosystem. Some native plant suggestions for attracting California Towhees include California lilac (Ceanothus), coffeeberry (Rhamnus californica), and toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia).

Providing Safe Shelters and Nesting Spaces

California Towhees require safe shelters and nesting spaces to feel secure in your backyard. Consider installing birdhouses or nest boxes with appropriate dimensions and entrance sizes for Towhees. Place them in dense shrubs or bushes to mimic their natural nesting locations.

Maintaining Fresh and Clean Water Sources

California Towhees, like many other birds, require fresh and clean water for drinking and bathing. Provide a bird bath or shallow dish with fresh water on a regular basis. Keep the water clean by regularly rinsing and refilling it to prevent the build-up of algae or bacteria.

California Towhee Terrace: Backyard Tips For Shy Visitors

Top Brands for Bird Supplies

When it comes to providing bird supplies for California Towhees, it’s essential to choose reputable brands that offer high-quality products. Here are some top brands known for their bird supplies:


Kaytee specializes in bird seeds, feeders, and accessories. They offer a wide range of products suitable for various bird species, including California Towhees.


Perky-Pet is known for its diverse range of bird feeders, designed to attract and accommodate different bird species. They also offer a variety of bird feed options.

Droll Yankees

Droll Yankees is a reputable brand famous for its high-quality bird feeders, especially for songbirds. Their feeders are known for durability and functionality.


Wagner’s is a leading brand known for its various bird seed mixes. They offer a range of options that cater to the specific dietary needs of different bird species, including California Towhees.

Brome Bird Care

Brome Bird Care is renowned for its squirrel-proof bird feeders. Their innovative designs prevent squirrels from accessing the bird feed, ensuring that the food is reserved for the intended avian visitors.

Wild Delight

Wild Delight offers premium bird food products, including seed blends and suet options. Their products cater to the dietary preferences of various bird species, allowing you to provide a well-rounded diet for California Towhees.

Stokes Select

Stokes Select provides a range of bird feeders, birdhouses, and bird seed options. Their products are designed to attract and accommodate different bird species, offering versatile choices for backyard bird enthusiasts.


Audubon is notable for its commitment to bird conservation as well as providing birding supplies. By choosing Audubon products, you support their conservation efforts while providing high-quality supplies for California Towhees.


Woodlink offers a variety of birdhouses and feeders, designed to meet the specific needs of different bird species. Their products are known for their durability and functionality.


Pennington is known for its wide range of wild bird seed products and lawn care items. Their bird seed options provide a nutritious and appealing diet for California Towhees.

Heath Outdoor Products

Heath Outdoor Products specializes in bird feeders and birdhouses. Their products are designed to withstand outdoor elements while providing a safe and comfortable space for birds.


Gardman offers a range of bird feeders and bird care accessories. Their products are designed to attract a variety of bird species, including California Towhees.


Lyric is known for its premium wild bird food products. With a focus on high-quality ingredients, their bird foods provide essential nutrition for California Towhees.

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Aspects specializes in high-quality bird feeders. Their feeders are designed with innovative features and durable materials, ensuring a long-lasting and effective feeding solution for California Towhees.

First Nature

First Nature offers bird feeders and nectar products, particularly catering to hummingbirds. Their hummingbird feeders are designed to attract and accommodate these small, vibrant birds.

Morning Song

Morning Song is known for its bird food and attractants. They offer a variety of options suitable for attracting California Towhees and other bird species to your backyard.

Squirrel Buster

Squirrel Buster is famous for its squirrel-proof bird feeders. These feeders are designed to actively prevent squirrels from accessing the birdseed, ensuring that it is reserved for birds like California Towhees.

More Birds

More Birds offers a range of bird feeders and nectar options. Their feeders are designed to attract different bird species, allowing you to cater to the specific needs of California Towhees.

C&S Products

C&S Products is known for its bird suet and feeders. Their suet options provide valuable high-energy food for birds like California Towhees.

Erva Tool & Die

Erva Tool & Die specializes in bird feeder accessories and hardware. They offer a range of products for creating a functional and attractive feeding station for California Towhees.

Cole’s Wild Bird Products

Cole’s Wild Bird Products offers a range of high-quality bird food. Their products are known for their nutritional value and appeal to a variety of bird species, including California Towhees.


Scotts is known for its bird food products and lawn care items. Their bird food options provide a balanced and nutritious diet for California Towhees.


Birdscapes offers decorative bird feeders, combining functionality and aesthetic appeal. Their feeders are designed to attract and accommodate various bird species, including California Towhees.

Best-1 Hummingbird Feeder

Best-1 Hummingbird Feeder specializes in hummingbird feeders, providing a suitable solution for attracting and feeding these small, energetic birds, including California Towhees.

Heritage Farms

Heritage Farms is known for its innovative bird feeders and accessories. Their products feature unique designs and functionality, catering to the needs of avian visitors like California Towhees.

Choosing the Right Bird Feeder

Choosing the right bird feeder for California Towhees involves understanding different types of bird feeders, selecting feeders suitable for Towhees, considering placement and height, as well as ensuring maintenance and cleanliness.

Understanding Different Types of Bird Feeders

There are several types of bird feeders available, each catering to different bird species and feeding preferences. Common types of bird feeders include tray or platform feeders, hopper feeders, tube feeders, suet feeders, and hummingbird feeders. Understanding the different types will help you choose the right feeder for California Towhees.

Selecting Feeders for California Towhee

When selecting feeders for California Towhees, consider tray or platform feeders, as well as hopper feeders. These types of feeders provide a stable and spacious area for ground-foraging birds like Towhees to access their food easily.

Placement and Height of Bird Feeders

To attract California Towhees, place your bird feeders in areas with dense vegetation or shrubs. This provides natural cover and protection for the birds as they feed. Consider placing the feeders at varying heights to accommodate different bird species and their feeding behaviors.

Maintaining and Cleaning Bird Feeders

Regular maintenance and cleaning of bird feeders are essential for the health and well-being of California Towhees. Remove any old or moldy food, clean the feeders with mild soap and water, and rinse them thoroughly. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach, as these can be harmful to birds.

California Towhee Terrace: Backyard Tips For Shy Visitors

Choosing and Offering Bird Seeds

Offering suitable bird seeds for California Towhees involves understanding their dietary preferences, mixing different types of bird seeds, properly storing them, and regularly refilling bird feeders.

Understanding the Preference of California Towhee

California Towhees have a varied diet that includes seeds, berries, fruits, insects, and spiders. To cater to their preferences, offer a mix of seeds that include sunflower seeds, millet, cracked corn, and nyjer seeds.

Mixing Different Types of Bird Seeds

Mixing different types of bird seeds provides a diverse and nutritious diet for California Towhees. Opt for a seed mix specifically formulated for ground-foraging birds or create your own mix. Experiment with different combinations to see what attracts the Towhees to your backyard.

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Proper Storage of Bird Seeds

To ensure the freshness and quality of bird seeds, store them in a cool, dry place in airtight containers. This helps prevent the seeds from getting damaged by moisture, insects, or rodents. Avoid storing bird seeds for an extended period, as they can lose their nutritional value over time.

Regularly Refilling Bird Feeders

Regularly check and refill bird feeders to ensure a consistent food supply for California Towhees. They rely on a steady source of food, especially during the breeding season when they need sufficient energy for themselves and their chicks.

Ensuring Safety from Predators

To ensure the safety of California Towhees in your backyard, it is important to be aware of common threats and predators, install predator-proof bird feeders, and regularly check the feeders and surroundings.

Common Threats and Predators to California Towhee

California Towhees face various threats and predators, including domestic cats, birds of prey such as hawks and falcons, snakes, and raccoons. Be vigilant and take necessary measures to protect the birds and their feeding areas.

Installing Predator-Proof Bird Feeders

Installing predator-proof bird feeders can help protect California Towhees from potential threats. Choose feeders with features such as baffles or cages that prevent larger animals from reaching the food while still allowing access for smaller birds like Towhees.

Importance of Regularly Checking Bird Feeders and Surroundings

Regularly checking bird feeders and their surroundings is crucial for identifying potential threats and ensuring the safety of California Towhees. Inspect the area for signs of predators, including tracks or disturbances, and address any issues immediately.

Watering Solutions for California Towhees

Providing fresh water and suitable birdbaths is essential for California Towhees. They require access to clean water for drinking and bathing.

Providing Fresh Water

Ensure that the water you provide for California Towhees is fresh and clean. Change the water regularly to prevent the growth of algae or bacteria. A shallow birdbath or shallow dishes filled with water will suffice for the birds’ needs.

Choosing Suitable Birdbaths

When selecting a birdbath for California Towhees, choose one with a shallow or gradual slope to allow easy access for the birds. The basin should be no more than 2-3 inches deep to prevent any harm to the birds.

Maintaining Cleanliness in Birdbaths

Regularly clean birdbaths to maintain cleanliness and prevent the spread of diseases. Rinse the birdbath and scrub it with a mild solution of water and vinegar or a bird bath cleaner. Rinse again thoroughly before refilling with fresh water.

Providing Nesting Materials

To attract California Towhees to nest in your backyard, it is important to understand their nesting habits, source safe and suitable nesting materials, and carefully place the materials in appropriate locations.

Understanding Nesting Habits of California Towhee

California Towhees build cup-shaped nests on or near the ground, usually in dense shrubs or thickets. They use a variety of materials such as twigs, grass, leaves, and bark strips to construct their nests. Understanding their nesting habits will help you create suitable conditions for them.

Sourcing Safe and Suitable Nesting Materials

Provide a variety of natural nesting materials for California Towhees to choose from. Offer materials such as small twigs, dried grass, plant stems, and soft materials like feathers or pet fur. Ensure that the materials are clean and free from any chemicals or toxins.

Placement of Nesting Materials

Place the nesting materials in strategic locations in your backyard, preferably near dense vegetation or shrubs. Ensure that the materials are easily accessible for the birds but not in areas that are easily disturbed or exposed to predators.

Maximizing Conservation Efforts

To maximize conservation efforts for California Towhees, it is important to appreciate these birds from a distance, avoid interference with nesting activities, and report sightings to bird conservation bodies.

Appreciating California Towhees from a Distance

California Towhees, like many other bird species, are best appreciated from a distance. Avoid approaching or disturbing their nesting areas to minimize stress and potential abandonment of nests.

Avoiding Interference with Nesting

Resist the urge to interfere with California Towhees’ nesting activities. Avoid handling or disturbing the nests, eggs, or chicks. Allow the parents to carry out their natural behaviors without unnecessary disturbances.

Reporting Sightings to Bird Conservation Bodies

Report your sightings of California Towhees to local bird conservation bodies or citizen science projects. This helps researchers and conservationists gather valuable data about the distribution, population trends, and habitat needs of the birds.

Further Resources for Bird Watching

To enhance your experience in bird watching, there are various resources available, including books and field guides, online platforms and apps for bird identification, joining local bird watching groups, and participating in citizen science bird projects.

Books and Field Guides on California Towhee

Explore books and field guides that specifically focus on California Towhees. These resources provide detailed information on the bird’s behavior, identification, and habitat requirements.

Online Platforms and Apps for Bird Identification

Use online platforms and apps, such as eBird or Merlin Bird ID, to help with bird identification. These resources provide valuable information about different bird species, including California Towhees.

Joining Local Bird Watching Groups

Joining local bird watching groups or clubs allows you to connect with fellow bird enthusiasts and learn from their knowledge and experiences. These groups often organize group outings and events focused on bird watching.

Participating in Citizen Science Bird Projects

Engage in citizen science bird projects, such as the Great Backyard Bird Count or Christmas Bird Count. These projects involve counting and documenting bird species to contribute to scientific research and conservation efforts.

By incorporating the information provided in this guide and utilizing the resources available, you can create a welcoming and nurturing environment for California Towhees in your backyard. Enjoy the beauty and presence of these shy visitors while actively contributing to bird conservation efforts.