Feed Nuthatches: Top 3 Nut Blends For Nuthatch Satisfaction

If you’re a nuthatch enthusiast looking to attract these delightful birds to your yard, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the top three nut blends that are guaranteed to bring nuthatch satisfaction. From the renowned brands of Kaytee and Perky-Pet to the high-quality offerings of Droll Yankees, we’ll uncover the perfect choices for your feathered friends. So get ready to discover the ultimate nut blends to keep nuthatches happy and well-fed!

Table of Contents

Understanding Nuthatch Dietary Preferences

Feed Nuthatches: Top 3 Nut Blends For Nuthatch Satisfaction

Nuthatch Species and Their Unique Diets

Nuthatches, small and agile birds found in woodlands and forests across North America, have unique dietary preferences that set them apart from other bird species. While they do consume insects and spiders as part of their diet, nuthatches primarily rely on nuts and seeds as their main source of nourishment. This preference places them in the category of birds known as seed eaters or granivores. Understanding the specific dietary needs and preferences of nuthatches is essential for attracting and providing them with the proper nutrition they require.

Importance of Nuts in a Nuthatch Diet

Nuts play a crucial role in the diet of nuthatches due to their high nutritional value and abundance of essential fatty acids. These fatty acids provide nuthatches with the energy they need to survive and thrive. Nuts also contain a variety of proteins, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to a nuthatch’s overall health and well-being. By incorporating a variety of nuts into their diet, nuthatches are able to obtain a well-rounded nutritional profile that promotes optimal physical and mental function.

Common Nuts Consumed by Nuthatches

Nuthatches are known to consume a wide range of nuts, with several varieties being particularly favored. Some of the most commonly consumed nuts by nuthatches include:

  1. Sunflower Seeds: These seeds are a popular staple in many nuthatch diets due to their high fat content and easy availability.

  2. Peanuts: Peanuts, whether whole or shelled, are another favorite of nuthatches. They are high in protein and provide a good source of energy.

  3. Suet: While technically not a nut, suet is a popular food source for nuthatches. It is a mix of animal fat, nuts, and seeds and is often offered in specially designed feeders.

  4. Pine Nuts: Nuthatches have a particular fondness for pine nuts, which are rich in essential fatty acids. These small, nutrient-dense nuts are a favorite of many bird species.

  5. Almonds: Almonds offer a good source of protein and healthy fats for nuthatches. They are often enjoyed whole or crushed into smaller pieces.

By incorporating these nuts into their diet, nuthatches are able to meet their nutritional needs while enjoying a diverse and flavorful array of food sources.

Top 3 Nut Blends for Nuthatches

Criteria for Selecting Nuthatch Nut Blends

When selecting nut blends for feeding nuthatches, several important criteria should be considered. These criteria help ensure that the nut blends provide the necessary nutrients and are enjoyed by the birds. Some key factors to consider include:

  1. Nutritional Composition: The nut blend should contain a balanced mix of different nuts, providing a diverse range of essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

  2. Shell-Free: Nuthatches have small beaks that are not well-suited for breaking open hard shells. Opting for shell-free nut blends ensures that nuthatches can easily consume the nuts without any barriers.

  3. Freshness: It is crucial to choose nut blends that are fresh and have not gone rancid. Fresh nuts provide the highest nutritional value and are more likely to be consumed by nuthatches.

  4. No Added Preservatives or Fillers: Avoid nut blends that contain unnecessary additives or fillers that may be harmful or unappetizing to nuthatches. Opting for blends with natural and pure ingredients is the best choice.

By considering these criteria, you can select nut blends that will meet the specific dietary needs and taste preferences of nuthatches.

Nutrition Analysis of Top Nut Blends

To ensure that the selected nut blends meet the necessary nutritional requirements of nuthatches, it is essential to analyze their nutritional content. Here is a breakdown of the nutrition offered by three top nut blends:

  1. Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend: This nut blend contains a mix of peanuts, sunflower seeds, and dried berries. It offers a balanced combination of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, providing nuthatches with the necessary energy for their daily activities.

  2. Wagner’s Deluxe Blend: This blend includes a variety of nuts, such as sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, and pecans. It offers a rich source of protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients that promote overall bird health.

  3. Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix: While not specifically designed for nuthatches, this mix provides a diverse assortment of nuts, seeds, and fruit. It contains high-quality ingredients that supply nuthatches with the necessary nutrition to thrive.

How to Serve Nut Blends to Nuthatches

To effectively serve nut blends to nuthatches, it is important to provide them with suitable feeders and proper placement. Nuthatches prefer feeders that allow them to cling onto the sides and peck at their food. Here are some tips for serving nut blends to nuthatches:

  1. Choose the Right Feeder: Select feeders with small openings and perches that accommodate the body size and feeding habits of nuthatches. Consider feeders specifically designed for small seed-eating birds.

  2. Feeder Placement: Place the feeder in an open, easily accessible area that is close to trees and shrubs. Nuthatches feel more secure when they have cover nearby to retreat to if needed.

  3. Squirrel-Proofing: Nuthatches often fall prey to squirrels that try to steal their food. Invest in squirrel-proof feeders or use baffles to discourage squirrels from accessing the feeder.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that nuthatches are able to enjoy the nut blends you provide in a safe and accessible manner.

Review: Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend

Product Description and Nutritional Highlights

Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend is a high-quality nut blend specifically formulated to cater to the dietary preferences of nuthatches. This blend combines peanuts, sunflower seeds, and dried berries to offer a delicious and nutritious food option for these small birds. With a focus on freshness and quality, Kaytee ensures that every nut blend provides the essential nutrients nuthatches need for optimal health and vitality.

Nuthatches’ Reactions to Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend

Nuthatches have shown positive reactions to Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend, eagerly flocking to feeders where this blend is offered. The blend’s combination of peanuts, sunflower seeds, and dried berries entices nuthatches with its tempting flavors and textures. Nuthatches readily consume the blend, demonstrating their satisfaction with the product.

Pros and Cons of Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend


  1. High-Quality Ingredients: Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend uses high-quality peanuts, sunflower seeds, and dried berries, ensuring that nuthatches receive top-notch nutrition.

  2. Attractive to Nuthatches: Nuthatches are highly attracted to the flavors and textures of this blend, making it an effective choice for attracting them to your feeder.

  3. Promotes Nuthatch Health: The blend’s balanced nutrient composition promotes overall health and vitality in nuthatches.


  1. Possible Allergens: Some birds may have allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients present in the blend. Monitor your nuthatches’ reactions and discontinue use if any adverse effects are observed.

  2. Availability: Depending on your location, it may be challenging to find Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend in local stores. Online purchasing may be required.

Despite the minor potential drawbacks, Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend remains a popular choice for attracting and nourishing nuthatches.

Review: Wagner’s Deluxe Blend

Feed Nuthatches: Top 3 Nut Blends For Nuthatch Satisfaction

Product Description and Nutritional Highlights

Wagner’s Deluxe Blend is a versatile nut blend suitable for a wide variety of bird species, including nuthatches. This blend combines sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, and pecans to provide a nutrient-rich and flavorful feeding option. With a reputation for high-quality and carefully selected ingredients, Wagner’s ensures that their nut blend meets the nutritional requirements of nuthatches.

Nuthatches’ Reactions to Wagner’s Deluxe Blend

Nuthatches have shown great enthusiasm for Wagner’s Deluxe Blend, readily consuming the mix when offered. The blend’s combination of sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, and pecans offers an excellent texture and taste profile that attracts nuthatches and keeps them coming back for more.

Pros and Cons of Wagner’s Deluxe Blend


  1. Diverse Nut Blend: Wagner’s Deluxe Blend contains a variety of nuts, providing nuthatches with a comprehensive nutritional profile.

  2. High-Quality Ingredients: Wagner’s ensures that their nut blend uses only the finest quality ingredients, ensuring optimal nutrition for nuthatches.

  3. Appealing to Nuthatches: Nuthatches are highly attracted to the flavors and textures of Wagner’s Deluxe Blend, making it an effective choice for attracting them to your feeder.


  1. Possible Allergens: As with any nut blend, certain ingredients present in Wagner’s Deluxe Blend may cause allergic reactions in some nuthatches. Monitor your birds closely and discontinue use if any adverse effects are observed.

  2. Availability: Depending on your location, finding Wagner’s Deluxe Blend may prove challenging. Online purchasing may be required.

Overall, Wagner’s Deluxe Blend is a versatile and popular choice for nuthatch feeders, offering a combination of high-quality ingredients and irresistible flavors.

Review: Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix

Product Description and Nutritional Highlights

While not specifically designed for nuthatches, Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix offers a blend of high-quality nuts, seeds, and fruit that can be enjoyed by a variety of bird species, including nuthatches. This mix features a shell-free formulation, ensuring that nuthatches can easily and efficiently consume the nutritionally rich ingredients. Lyric’s commitment to quality ensures that their nut mix provides the necessary nutrients for the health and well-being of nuthatches.

Nuthatches’ Reactions to Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix

Nuthatches have shown positive reactions to Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix, eagerly flocking to feeders where this mix is offered. Although the mix is not specifically tailored for nuthatches, they readily consume the nuts, seeds, and fruit, indicating their satisfaction with the product’s taste and texture.

Pros and Cons of Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix


  1. Shell-Free Blend: Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix is shell-free, making it easy for nuthatches to consume the blend and obtain the necessary nutrition.

  2. High-Quality Ingredients: Lyric ensures that their mix contains high-quality nuts, seeds, and fruit, providing nuthatches with essential nutrients.

  3. Versatile Feeding Option: While not specifically formulated for nuthatches, the mix’s ingredients are enjoyed by a variety of bird species, making it a versatile choice for bird feeders.


  1. Possible Allergens: As with any bird food, certain ingredients in Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix may trigger allergies in some nuthatches. Monitor your birds closely and discontinue use if any adverse effects are observed.

  2. Availability: Depending on your location, finding Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix may be difficult. Online options may be necessary to ensure availability.

Despite not being designed specifically for nuthatches, Lyric Woodpecker No Waste Mix offers a high-quality mix of nuts, seeds, and fruit that nuthatches readily consume and enjoy.

Choosing the Right Feeder for Nuthatches

Feeder Types Suitable for Nuthatches

When selecting a feeder for nuthatches, it is important to consider their feeding habits and preferences. Nuthatches prefer feeders that allow them to cling onto the sides and peck at their food. Some feeder types that are suitable for nuthatches include:

  1. Mesh Feeders: Mesh feeders with small openings allow nuthatches to cling and extract the nuts or seeds easily. Their small size and clinging ability make mesh feeders an ideal choice.

  2. Suet Feeders: While suet primarily appeals to woodpeckers, many nuthatches also enjoy suet. Choose suet feeders with narrow openings that prevent larger birds from accessing it.

  3. Hopper Feeders: Hopper feeders with perches and openings suitable for smaller birds are another good choice for feeding nuthatches. Ensure that the size of the openings prevents larger birds from monopolizing the feeder.

By selecting feeders that cater to the unique feeding habits of nuthatches, you can create an inviting and accessible feeding environment for these delightful birds.

Feeder Placement Guidelines for Nuthatch Attraction

To attract nuthatches to your feeders, proper feeder placement is crucial. Here are some guidelines to follow when positioning your feeders:

  1. Proximity to Trees and Shrubs: Nuthatches feel more secure when feeders are placed near trees and shrubs. These natural elements provide cover and serve as convenient perches for nuthatches to retreat to if needed.

  2. Open and Easily Accessible Area: Position feeders in open areas that are easily visible and accessible to nuthatches. Avoid placing them too close to dense foliage or cluttered areas that could make it difficult for nuthatches to access the feeders.

  3. Height from the Ground: Install feeders at varying heights from the ground, as nuthatches are comfortable feeding at different levels. This ensures that all nuthatches, regardless of their preferences, can access the feeders comfortably.

By carefully considering feeder placement, you can optimize the chances of attracting nuthatches to your backyard and providing them with a safe and inviting feeding space.

Squirrel-Proofing Your Nuthatch Feeder

Squirrels can be a significant nuisance to nuthatch feeders, often monopolizing the food and preventing nuthatches from getting their fair share. To squirrel-proof your nuthatch feeder, consider the following measures:

  1. Baffles: Install squirrel baffles above or underneath the feeder. These cone-shaped barriers prevent squirrels from climbing up or reaching the feeder from below.

  2. Cage Feeders: Opt for feeder designs that have built-in wire cages around them. These cages allow smaller birds like nuthatches to easily access the food while keeping squirrels out.

  3. Feeder Placement: Position feeders away from trees, buildings, and other structures that squirrels can use as launch points. Keeping the feeder in an open area with no nearby surfaces for squirrels to jump from helps deter them.

  4. Squirrel-Proof Feeders: Invest in squirrel-proof feeders specifically designed to prevent squirrels from accessing the food. These feeders often have mechanisms that close off access when a squirrel’s weight is detected.

By implementing squirrel-proofing measures, you can ensure that nuthatches have unhindered access to their food without interference from squirrels.

Review: Droll Yankees Sunflower Seed Feeder

Feed Nuthatches: Top 3 Nut Blends For Nuthatch Satisfaction

Features and Advantages

The Droll Yankees Sunflower Seed Feeder is a well-known and reliable feeder option that is suitable for attracting nuthatches. Key features and advantages of this feeder include:

  1. Durable Construction: The Droll Yankees Sunflower Seed Feeder is made from high-quality materials, ensuring its durability and long lifespan.

  2. Efficient Design: The feeder’s mesh design allows nuthatches to cling onto the sides and extract the sunflower seeds with ease.

  3. Easy to Clean: The feeder’s removable parts and ease of disassembly make cleaning a simple and hassle-free process.

Ease of Use and Maintenance

The Droll Yankees Sunflower Seed Feeder is designed for easy use and maintenance. Refilling the feeder with sunflower seeds is a straightforward process, and its removable parts make cleaning and maintenance a breeze. The feeder’s durability ensures that it can withstand the elements and regular usage, further adding to its ease of use and maintenance.

Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

Customers who have used the Droll Yankees Sunflower Seed Feeder for attracting nuthatches have expressed high levels of satisfaction. The feeder’s design and functionality specifically cater to the feeding habits of nuthatches, resulting in positive customer feedback. Users appreciate its durability, ease of use, and effectiveness in attracting nuthatches to their feeders.

Choosing the Right Feeder for Nuthatches

Features and Advantages

The Brome Squirrel Buster Plus is a renowned feeder specifically designed to ward off squirrels and other unwanted visitors while attracting nuthatches. Notable features and advantages of this feeder include:

  1. Squirrel-Proof Design: The Brome Squirrel Buster Plus features an innovative design that closes off access to the food when a squirrel’s weight is detected. This ensures that nuthatches can feed in peace without interference from squirrels.

  2. Adjustable Perches: The feeder offers adjustable perches that can be customized to suit the size and feeding preferences of nuthatches.

  3. Durable Construction: The Brome Squirrel Buster Plus is built with high-quality materials, making it sturdy and resistant to damage caused by weather and regular use.

Ease of Use and Maintenance

The Brome Squirrel Buster Plus is designed for easy use and maintenance. Refilling the feeder with nuts or seeds is a simple process, and its removable parts allow for easy cleaning and maintenance. The feeder’s durable construction ensures that it remains functional and reliable over an extended period, minimizing the need for frequent upkeep.

Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

Customers who have used the Brome Squirrel Buster Plus to attract nuthatches have reported high levels of satisfaction with its performance. The feeder’s squirrel-proof design effectively prevents unwanted guests while successfully attracting nuthatches. Users appreciate its durability, ease of use, and the peace of mind it provides in keeping squirrels at bay.

Review: Woodlink Nuthatch Feeder

Features and Advantages

The Woodlink Nuthatch Feeder offers a simple yet effective design that cater to the needs of nuthatches. Key features and advantages of this feeder include:

  1. Open-Style Design: The Woodlink Nuthatch Feeder features an open-style design that allows nuthatches to easily access the food. Its platform design accommodates the feeding preferences of nuthatches, making it an inviting feeding option.

  2. Quality Construction: The feeder is built with durable materials that withstand exposure to the elements and regular use.

  3. Easy to Fill and Clean: The feeder’s open design makes it easy to refill with nuts or seeds, and its removable parts simplify the cleaning process.

Ease of Use and Maintenance

The Woodlink Nuthatch Feeder is designed for ease of use and maintenance. Its open design allows for straightforward filling, and its removable parts make cleaning and maintenance a quick and hassle-free process. The feeder’s construction ensures that it remains functional and reliable for extended periods, reducing the need for frequent upkeep.

Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

Customers who have used the Woodlink Nuthatch Feeder have expressed high levels of satisfaction. The simplicity and functionality of its design cater to the feeding habits of nuthatches, resulting in positive customer feedback. Users appreciate the ease of use, durability, and ability of the feeder to attract nuthatches effectively.

Tips for Attracting More Nuthatches

Properly Spacing Feeders for Nuthatches

To attract more nuthatches to your backyard, it is important to properly space your feeders. Nuthatches are territorial birds that prefer their own personal feeding space. Here are some tips for spacing your feeders:

  1. Distance Between Feeders: Place multiple feeders in your yard, making sure to space them at least 15 to 20 feet apart. This ensures that nuthatches have enough room to feed without feeling crowded or threatened by other birds.

  2. Avoid Dominant Feeder Areas: Some birds may dominate certain feeding areas, driving away other species. Be mindful of this and distribute your feeders around your yard to provide equal access for all birds.

Importance of Varied and Regular Food Supply

Nuthatches appreciate a varied and regular food supply. Offering a diverse range of nuts, seeds, and other food options helps attract and retain nuthatches in your backyard. Rotate the types of nuts and seeds you provide to ensure they receive a well-rounded diet and to keep their interest piqued.

Using Bird Calls to Attract Nuthatches

Nuthatches can be attracted using specific bird calls that mimic their vocalizations. One common nuthatch call is a high-pitched “yank” or “ki-yer” sound. By imitating this call, you can capture the attention of nearby nuthatches and increase the likelihood of them visiting your feeders. However, it is important to use bird calls responsibly and sparingly to prevent stressing or disrupting the natural behavior of nuthatches.

Considerations for Avoiding Predators and Pests

When attracting nuthatches, it is essential to consider the potential presence of predators and pests that may threaten these small birds. To minimize these risks, take the following precautions:

  1. Choose Safe Feeder Locations: Position feeders away from dense vegetation or structures that may provide hiding spots for predators.

  2. Regular Cleaning: Ensure that feeders are regularly cleaned to prevent the buildup of mold or bacteria that may harm nuthatches.

  3. Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor your feeders and surrounding areas for signs of pests, such as ants or bees. Take appropriate measures to deter or remove these pests without harm to the nuthatches.

By taking these considerations into account, you can create a safe and inviting environment for nuthatches to enjoy their meals while minimizing the risk of predators and pests.

In conclusion, understanding nuthatch dietary preferences is fundamental to attracting and providing for these delightful birds. By selecting the appropriate nut blends and feeders, properly positioning the feeders, and taking necessary precautions, you can create an inviting environment that attracts nuthatches and provides them with the nutrition they need for optimal health and well-being. Happy bird watching!