Lure Starlings: Top 3 Suet Cake Recipes For A Flock Of Starlings

Are you looking to attract a flock of starlings to your backyard? Look no further! In this article, we will share with you the top 3 suet cake recipes that are sure to entice these beautiful birds to visit and stay in your garden. Whether you are a seasoned bird enthusiast or just starting out, these recipes are easy to make and will have starlings flocking to your feeders in no time. So grab your apron and get ready to welcome these charming birds into your outdoor sanctuary!

Lure Starlings: Top 3 Suet Cake Recipes For A Flock Of Starlings

Understanding Starlings: Their Habitats, Food Preferences, and Feeding Behaviors

Starlings are fascinating birds known for their iridescent plumage and synchronized flight patterns. To better understand these avian creatures, it is essential to delve into their habitats, food preferences, and feeding behaviors.

Habitats of Starlings

Starlings are highly adaptable birds that can be found in a wide range of habitats. From urban parks to rural farmlands, they have successfully established themselves in various environments. They are particularly fond of open spaces with scattered trees, as these provide ideal nesting sites and foraging opportunities. In addition, starlings have the ability to adapt to different climates, making them a common sight across most of North America.

Food Preferences of Starlings

When it comes to food, starlings are omnivorous creatures. They have a diverse diet that includes both animal and plant matter. They feed on insects, fruits, berries, seeds, and even small vertebrates. Starlings are opportunistic foragers and will eagerly consume whatever food source is readily available in their environment. However, they do have specific preferences when it comes to certain types of food, which can be taken into consideration when attracting them to your feeders.

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Day-to-Day Feeding Behaviors of Starlings

Starlings are highly social birds and often feed in large flocks. Their feeding behaviors can vary depending on the availability of food and the season. During breeding season, starlings focus on gathering an abundant food supply to feed their young. They are known to aggressively defend their territories and food sources, often engaging in squabbles with other birds. Outside of the breeding season, starlings may form mixed-species flocks, foraging together with other bird species to increase their chances of finding food. These flocks can be quite impressive to observe, with swirling masses of birds moving in synchrony.

Ingredients Required for Making Suet Cakes

Suet cakes are a popular food choice for attracting starlings to your backyard. They are easy to make and provide a high-energy source of nutrition for these birds. To make your own suet cakes, you will need the following ingredients:

Fat or Suet

Suet is the key ingredient in making suet cakes. It is the nutrient-rich fat that can be found around the kidneys of beef or lamb. Suet can also be purchased from butcher shops or grocery stores. Alternatively, you can use vegetable shortening as a substitute for suet.


Cornmeal acts as a binder in suet cake recipes. It helps to hold the ingredients together and gives the cakes a nice texture. You can find cornmeal in most grocery stores or online.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter adds flavor and nutritional value to suet cakes. It is a favorite of starlings and will attract them to your feeders. Opt for natural peanut butter without added sugars or oils, as these can be harmful to birds.


Oats provide an excellent source of carbohydrates and fiber for starlings. They also add texture to the suet cakes. Rolled oats or quick oats can be used in the recipes.

Birdseed Mix

A Birdseed mix containing a variety of seeds will attract a wider range of bird species, including starlings. Look for mixes that contain black oil sunflower seeds, millet, and cracked corn. You can find birdseed mixes at pet stores, garden centers, or online.

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Lure Starlings: Top 3 Suet Cake Recipes For A Flock Of Starlings

Recipe 1: Classic Peanut Butter Suet Cake

Ingredient List:

  • 1 cup suet or vegetable shortening
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 1 cup oats
  • 2 cups birdseed mix

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions:

  1. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the suet or vegetable shortening until liquefied.
  2. Add the peanut butter to the melted suet and stir until well combined.
  3. In a separate large bowl, combine the cornmeal, oats, and birdseed mix.
  4. Pour the melted suet and peanut butter mixture over the dry ingredients.
  5. Stir the mixture until all the ingredients are evenly coated.
  6. Press the mixture into a square baking dish or use cookie cutters to shape the suet cakes.
  7. Place the suet cakes in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight to allow them to solidify.
  8. Once solid, remove the suet cakes from the refrigerator and hang them in suet feeders.

Tips for Best Results:

  • Use fresh, high-quality ingredients for the best flavor and nutritional value.
  • If the suet cakes become too soft in warm weather, refrigerate or freeze them before hanging.
  • Clean and sanitize the suet feeders regularly to prevent the spread of diseases.

Why Starlings Love This Recipe: Starlings are attracted to the rich flavor and high energy content of peanut butter. The combination of suet, peanut butter, and a variety of seeds makes this recipe irresistible to these birds. They will flock to your feeders to enjoy this tasty treat.

Recipe 2: Cornmeal and Oats Suet Cake

Ingredient List:

  • 1 cup suet or vegetable shortening
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 1 cup oats
  • 2 cups birdseed mix

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions:

  1. Melt the suet or vegetable shortening in a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. In a separate large bowl, combine the cornmeal, oats, and birdseed mix.
  3. Pour the melted suet over the dry ingredients and mix until well combined.
  4. Press the mixture into a square baking dish or use cookie cutters to shape the suet cakes.
  5. Refrigerate the suet cakes for a few hours or overnight until firm.
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Lure Starlings: Top 3 Suet Cake Recipes For A Flock Of Starlings