Platform Feeders

Imagine creating a beautiful sanctuary in your backyard, filled with the melodious songs of colorful birds. platform feeders are the essential ingredient to attract a wide variety of bird species and provide them with a feast of tasty treats. From renowned brands like Kaytee and Perky-Pet to specialized options like Brome Bird Care and Squirrel Buster, there is a platform feeder for everyone. These feeders not only offer a convenient spot for birds to dine, but they also add charm and elegance to any outdoor space. With an array of high-quality birdhouses, feeders, and bird seed options available from brands like Stokes Select, Audubon, and Woodlink, creating a bird haven has never been easier. Let’s explore the world of platform feeders and discover the joy of birdwatching in our own backyard.

Platform Feeders

Understanding Platform Feeders

Platform feeders are a type of bird feeder that provides a flat surface for birds to perch on while they eat. Unlike traditional tube feeders or hopper feeders, platform feeders are open and do not have specific feeding ports or perches. This makes them an attractive option for a wide variety of bird species, as it accommodates their different feeding habits and sizes.

Types of Platform Feeders

There are several types of platform feeders available, each with its own unique design and features. Some common types of platform feeders include tray feeders, fly-through feeders, and hanging platform feeders. Tray feeders are simple, flat platforms that are usually mounted on a pole or hung from a tree branch. Fly-through feeders have open sides and allow birds to fly in and out easily. Hanging platform feeders, as the name suggests, are platforms that are suspended from a tree branch or hook.

Platform Feeders

Common Materials Used in Construction

Platform feeders are constructed using a variety of materials, depending on the brand and design. Some common materials used in the construction of platform feeders include wood, plastic, metal, and recycled materials. Wood feeders are popular for their natural look and durability. Plastic feeders are lightweight and easy to clean. Metal feeders are sturdy and resistant to squirrels and other pests. Recycled materials, such as plastic bottles or milk jugs, are eco-friendly options that repurpose waste.

Benefits of Platform Feeders

Access for Multiple Birds

One of the key benefits of platform feeders is their ability to accommodate multiple birds at once. Because they don’t have specific feeding ports or perches, birds of different sizes and species can easily access the food. This promotes a more inclusive feeding experience and encourages a diverse range of birds to visit your feeder.

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Versatility in Bird Food Types

Another advantage of platform feeders is their versatility in the types of bird food they can accommodate. Unlike tube feeders or hopper feeders that require specific types of bird seed, platform feeders can hold a variety of bird food, including seeds, nuts, fruits, suet, and even mealworms. This versatility allows you to attract a wide range of birds with different dietary preferences.

Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance

Platform feeders are generally easier to clean and maintain compared to more intricate feeder designs. With no small crevices or tubes to clean, you can easily wipe off any spilled or moldy food from the flat surface. This helps maintain a hygienic feeding environment for the birds and reduces the risk of spreading diseases.

Visibility for Bird Watching

With their open design, platform feeders provide excellent visibility for bird watching. Unlike tube feeders or hopper feeders where birds are partially hidden, platform feeders allow you to have a clear view of the birds as they feed. This enhances your outdoor experience and makes it easier to identify different bird species.

Platform Feeders

Selecting a Platform Feeder

When choosing a platform feeder, there are several considerations to keep in mind.

Considerations for Size and Design

The size of the platform feeder should be suitable for the area where you plan to place it and the number of birds you expect to attract. Larger feeders can accommodate more birds at once, while smaller feeders are better suited for compact spaces. The design of the feeder should also align with your aesthetic preferences and the overall look of your backyard or garden.

Placement Options

Platform feeders can be placed on the ground, mounted on a pole, or hung from a tree branch. The placement option you choose depends on the types of birds you want to attract and the level of protection from predators you want to provide. Placing the feeder in an open area with easy access for birds will increase its visibility and usage.

Budget Factors

Consider your budget when selecting a platform feeder. Prices can vary depending on the brand, materials used, and additional features. Determine your budget beforehand and look for feeders that offer good value for money without compromising on quality.

Common Brands of Platform Feeders

There are several popular brands that specialize in platform feeders. These brands have a reputation for producing high-quality feeders that are durable and effective.


Kaytee is a well-known brand that specializes in bird seeds, feeders, and accessories. Their platform feeders are designed with the needs of birds in mind and are constructed using high-quality materials.


Perky-Pet is another trusted brand that offers a wide range of bird feeders, including platform feeders. Their feeders are known for their durability and innovative features that attract a variety of bird species.

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Droll Yankees

Droll Yankees is a brand that is renowned for its high-quality bird feeders, especially those designed for songbirds. Their platform feeders are built to withstand the elements and provide a safe and comfortable feeding space for birds.


Wagner’s is a leading brand in the birding industry, specializing in various bird seed mixes. They also offer platform feeders that are designed to attract a wide variety of bird species.

Brome Bird Care

Brome Bird Care is a renowned brand that focuses on producing squirrel-proof bird feeders. Their platform feeders are designed with innovative features that keep squirrels at bay while providing a safe feeding space for birds.

More Brands for Platform Feeders

In addition to the well-known brands mentioned above, there are several other brands that offer quality platform feeders.

Wild Delight

Wild Delight is a brand that offers premium bird food products. Their platform feeders are designed to hold their specialized bird seed blends, providing birds with a nutritious and tasty meal.

Stokes Select

Stokes Select is a brand that provides a wide range of bird feeders, birdhouses, and bird seed. Their platform feeders are designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind.


Audubon is notable for its bird conservation efforts as well as its birding supplies. Their platform feeders are designed to meet the needs of birds while supporting conservation efforts.


Woodlink offers a variety of birdhouses and feeders, including platform feeders. Their feeders are constructed using high-quality materials and are designed to withstand the elements.


Pennington is known for its wild bird seed and lawn care products. Their platform feeders are designed to attract a variety of bird species and provide them with a reliable food source.

Platform Feeders from Specialty Brands

There are also specialty brands that offer unique platform feeders designed for specific purposes.

Heath Outdoor Products

Heath Outdoor Products specializes in bird feeders and birdhouses. Their platform feeders are designed with a focus on durability and functionality.


Gardman offers a range of bird feeders and bird care accessories. Their platform feeders are designed to blend seamlessly into your outdoor space while providing birds with a comfortable feeding space.


Lyric is known for its premium wild bird food products. Their platform feeders are designed to hold their specialized bird seed blends, providing birds with a nutritious and delicious meal.


Aspects specializes in high-quality bird feeders that are built to last. Their platform feeders are designed to provide birds with a safe and comfortable feeding space while withstanding all weather conditions.

First Nature

First Nature offers a range of bird feeders and nectar products. Their platform feeders are designed with convenience and ease of use in mind, making them a popular choice for bird enthusiasts.

Unique Platform Feeders

Aside from well-known and specialty brands, there are a few unique platform feeders that offer distinct features.

Morning Song

Morning Song is known for its bird food and attractants. Their platform feeders are designed with birds’ nutritional needs in mind, offering a variety of food options to attract a wide range of bird species.

Squirrel Buster

Squirrel Buster is famous for its squirrel-proof bird feeders. Their platform feeders are designed with innovative mechanisms that prevent squirrels from accessing the food while allowing birds to feed freely.

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More Birds

More Birds offers a range of bird feeders and nectar products. Their platform feeders are designed to attract different types of birds while providing a durable and easy-to-clean feeding space.

C&S Products

C&S Products is known for its bird suet and feeders. Their platform feeders are designed to hold suet cakes, providing birds with an energy-rich food source.

Erva Tool & Die

Erva Tool & Die specializes in bird feeder accessories and hardware. Their platform feeders can be customized with different accessories, such as baffles and squirrel guards, to enhance the feeding experience.

Highest Quality Platform Feeders

For those looking for the highest quality platform feeders, consider these reputable brands.

Cole’s Wild Bird Products

Cole’s Wild Bird Products offers a range of high-quality bird food that is free of fillers and additives. Their platform feeders are designed to attract a variety of bird species while providing them with a nutritious meal.


Scotts is known for its bird food products and lawn care. Their platform feeders are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and provide birds with a reliable food source.


Birdscapes offers decorative bird feeders that are both functional and visually appealing. Their platform feeders come in various designs and colors to complement your outdoor space.

Best-1 Hummingbird Feeder

Best-1 Hummingbird Feeder specializes in hummingbird feeders. Their platform feeders are designed with multiple feeding ports and a built-in ant moat to attract and protect hummingbirds.

Heritage Farms

Heritage Farms is known for its innovative bird feeders and accessories. Their platform feeders are designed to provide a welcoming space for a variety of bird species while withstanding the test of time.

Maintaining Platform Feeders

To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your platform feeder, it’s essential to practice proper maintenance.

Cleaning Techniques

Regular cleaning is crucial to prevent the buildup of mold, bacteria, and pests. To clean your platform feeder, remove any remaining food and debris and wash it with warm, soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and allow it to dry completely before refilling.

Periodic Checks and Servicing

Inspect your platform feeder regularly for any signs of wear and tear. Make sure all components, such as hooks, chains, and hinges, are secure and in good condition. Replace any damaged or worn-out parts to maintain the feeder’s functionality and safety.

Replacement Parts – When and How

Over time, certain parts of the platform feeder may need replacement. This could include perches, trays, or hanging hardware. Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific instructions on how to replace parts and ensure compatibility.

Conclusion: Platform Feeders for Diversity

Platform feeders offer numerous benefits and are an excellent addition to any backyard or garden. By choosing the right feeder and providing a diverse range of bird food, you can attract a variety of bird species and create a vibrant and thriving avian community.

Supporting Local Avian Populations

Platform feeders provide a reliable food source for local bird populations, especially during times of food scarcity. By offering a diverse range of bird food, you can support their nutritional needs and contribute to the overall health and well-being of the birds in your area.

Enhancing Your Outdoor Experience

Having a platform feeder in your backyard not only attracts beautiful birds but also enhances your outdoor experience. Watching birds of different species visit your feeder can be a source of joy and relaxation, bringing a sense of tranquility and connection with nature.

Investing in Quality Feeding Solutions

When selecting a platform feeder, it’s important to consider the quality and durability of the product. Investing in a well-made feeder from a reputable brand ensures that it will withstand the test of time, providing you and the birds with years of enjoyment.

Whether you’re a seasoned bird enthusiast or a novice bird watcher, platform feeders are a versatile and convenient way to attract a diverse range of bird species to your backyard. With their open design, multiple food options, and easy maintenance, platform feeders are an ideal feeding solution for any bird lover.